After ten days of lively debate and a March Madness-style bracket vote, the studio formerly known as Cat Tale is now Gelatinous Cat Games. After two months of working together and a lot of serious weekend-long meetings dedicated to this studio’s future™, we wanted a more unique and thoughtful name that represented our goals as our group of nine game developers take our work to the next level.
As with all good ideas, our new name and look were inspired by a DnD campaign. 2D artist Becca Vonada shared the story of one of her partner game designer Marc Magruder’s old DnD campaigns where they tamed a gelatinous cube and it maintained a cat shape. Naturally, this led to Becca sketching out what that would visually look like and now we have our very own little guy.
Beyond the name change, we’re still chipping away at Carving with Care and have been working on quality of life updates, new storylines, and a whole new character you’ll be able to interact with in the game. If you have time this weekend, we’d love for you to fill out our Rune Difficulty Challenge Test so you can put your puzzle-solving skills to the test and our team can gather valuable feedback on molding the right design that works for a majority of players.
Other than game design, our team has also been making the game experience more elevated and complete. All images and video shared below is in-progress and is part of the process of shaping what content makes it to the final game.
First off, we have some beautifully dance-y tweens (an animation technique that creates smooth transitions between key frames), not to be confused with the same word used for 8-12 year olds, that engineer Russ Matney has recently implemented into Carving with Care’s tutorial.
Our music, which is all originally composed, is still in sketch form but if anyone needed a little silly banjo moment to close out their week, audio lead Cris Luu is more than happy to oblige.
And last but not least, our smol worm friend from back in November has some intense digs you’ll have to see in an under-the-wraps game feature we’re adding into Carving with Care. Below is a Becca x Cris collaboration that hasn’t been *shipped* yet but will soon be setting sail to a screen near you.
What other updates would you like to see from us here at Gelatinous Cat Games? Let us know in a comment below and be sure to subscribe to us here for more updates as the world of Carving with Care grows!